Saturday, October 5, 2013

Love Conquers All

love conquers all

love conquers all

Just what exactly is Step Dating and why should you know about it? Step Dating is dating that occurs when one or both people involved have children. It is unlike other dating because it automatically involves more than just the two of you -- the needs and welfare of children are intimately involved.
love conquers all

love conquers all

Given the high rate of separation and divorce, there is a good possibility that many people will find themselves in a dating relationship that involves either their own or another person's children. It is wise to have some fundamental knowledge of what to expect in a Step Dating relationship.
love conquers all

love conquers all

It is crucial that couples embrace the magnitude of the experience that they are entering into, particularly once they choose to involve the children in their relationship. There is no way around the fact that relationships involving children require an obligation to their best interests, a willingness to consider every facet of the relationship from various points of view, and a level of maturity on the part of both adults that will allow them to work together proactively and cooperatively. That is where consciousness enters into the equation.
love conquers all

love conquers all

Consciousness and the need for it is a theme that weaves throughout all relationships involving children, be it during step dating, during remarriage, or after a couple has formed their new family. It can even begin at a very early stage, even before the couple comes together.
love conquers all

love conquers all

Conscious Dating involves having a clear vision of what you desire in life; your purpose, values and the requirements that you are looking for in a relationship. It involves being very truthful and clear about what it is you are intending to create in terms of a healthy relationship and also what you are not willing to accept in a relationship. The considerations and issues for single parents and singles without children will obviously be very different.
love conquers all

love conquers all

The single person, for example, should ask him/herself, does the relationship I envision for myself involve someone else's children? Single parents should be aware of what they are looking for in a person that could become a potential stepparent to their children. These are honest, fair and important considerations that individuals need to be willing to make to be true to themselves, and if they are hoping to build relationships that will ultimately be successful for them.
love conquers all

love conquers all

The need for a conscious approach to step dating naturally flows into a consciousness around the issues that the couple will face once they develop a relationship. Step Dating has much in common with living in a stepfamily, and the complexities that get played out here require that the adults are aware of the dynamics and do not get tripped up by some of the common myths that prevail.
love conquers all

love conquers all

love conquers all

love conquers all

love conquers all

love conquers all

love conquers all

love conquers all

love conquers all

love conquers all

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