Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Love Struck

Finally, everything seems to be falling into place! You're losing some weight, things are good with your family and friends, work is good, but something is still missing. Some of you who are married understand this, remembering the time when falling in love was new and fresh. Others are still hoping to find that knight in shining armor, or the beautiful fairy princess. Still others are finding themselves single, yet again. And then there are the few who are smack in the middle of falling head over heals in love. Ahhhh. Ain't love grand!

Here is the thing: falling in love is great; it's what we all want, isn't it? (Well, that and being our ideal weight, of course!) And it's not like it's up there with wishing for fame and financial security: most of the time it's first on our wish list. The thing is that it also can be a bit tricky for so many reasons and on so many levels; and for many of us, love is the crux of our problem, or perceived problem.

love strucklove strucklove strucklove strucklove strucklove strucklove strucklove strucklove struck

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